Quick & Easy Social Media News Tools for Radio By Giovanni Gallucci
Social media is relevant because that’s where listeners consume the majority of their media. By using Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, radio interacts and engages with listeners while publicizing the station’s shows, events, and advertisers.
It’s critical in today’s fast-moving, visual world for radio to update social media channels with video and photos. Daily engagement is critical to social media success.
This isn’t limited to behind-the-scenes content. News teams can use social media to help fill the information gap during breaking news stories. Social media shouldn’t be viewed as a threat. Think of social media as a valued news source where you can collect supporting information and rich media around a larger news event.
Building an infrastructure to collect media files is daunting. Most stations have limited I.T. budget for content collection. How do you get this done with little to no budget? Here are two starting points:
1) Ask users to post news stories to their own YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram accounts using a hashtag in the title of the video or in the content of the post which allows your staff to find the content easily. Using a hashtag like “#MIXnews” or “#KixNews” keeps content submission simple for listeners. It makes content gathering simple for you, too.
2) Build a file submission form on WuFoo.com (from Survey Monkey) so listeners can upload their files to a safe third-party site like DropBox.com. This allows you to get easy access to the original media files and keeps the competition from pilfering the media by tracking your news hashtag.
I built a form in just a few minutes on the wufoo.com site. It has complete integration with my DropBox account. The submitted files are uploaded to DropBox and the news submissions go directly into my email inbox as soon as they are submitted. You can see the form live at https://liveloudtx.wufoo.com/forms/krdo-social-media-news-upload-form/
With these two simple techniques you will be firmly on the cutting edge of social media news gathering, have included your listeners in the core of your business, and will still control the dissemination of the news and the quality of the final product.
By having photography and video from the scene of a news event, you gather valuable information about the event itself that you may not have had otherwise. You also have fresh content to add to your station’s website which contributes to page views and ad inventory.
ABOUT GIOVANNI GALLUCCI: Giovanni teaches how search, social, and online media align with marketing and PR strategies. On one hand, he's a recovering programmer turned internet journeyman while on the other hand he is a professional photographer, filmmaker, and online content creator. Learn more about him at http://LiveLoudTexas.com or follow him on twitter: @giovanni
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