Disconnected America
by Ed Shane
Media consultant and author Ed Shane convincingly demonstrates that we are
moving from a society in which the mass media created a sense of connection
among individuals to one in which the media now foster a "self-editing"
consumer who filters out collective experience and universal knowledge,
the organizational benchmarks of culture.
Building on the insights of such cultural critics as Neil Postman,
Christopher Lasch, and Robert Putnam of Harvard, Shane traces the
change from pervasive mass media that disseminated information quickly
and stimulated mass cultural response to "de-massified" individual media
that incubate a new electronic narcissism, pander to overtaxed attention
spans, and ultimately lead to a society composed of inwardly-focused
citizens who see all information in the context of the self.
The consequences for society are grave as well, as Shane outlines
the potential for a decline in civility and a loss of the ability to
learn from historical antecedents, both of which are critical in facing
the demands of an expanding global society.
"Ed Shane's book synthesizes the most salient problems, or 'disconnections,'
that individuals experience as a result of the rapidly evolving changes in
the technologies of communication. Moreover, Shane places these
disconnections into a broader framework: that the development of the
information society has not only brought a "New Dawn" of instantaneous
communication, but it has been accompanied by a "darkening shadow" as
individuals find themselves in a world of voyeuristic television programs,
attention-getting stunts, trivialized information, and glorified crisis
events. Shane contends that there is an inherent but unfortunate bias
within the media against offering complex interpretations that provide
history and meaning to the reporting of news events."
From the Foreword by Donald Fishman, Boston College
"Disconnected America . . . goes where no other exploration of the
electronic media has gone before: an examination of the morality and
personal responsibility of the relationship between mass media and the
consumer. Anyone who ever turned on a radio, television, or personal
computer should read this book!"
Mike Gallagher, syndicated radio talk show host
"Shane reviews in a readable fashion a large amount of research about
television, radio, and the internet to suggest these media do little to
bring us together . . . and may well have exactly the opposite effect. Ed
Shane not only works in broadcasting, he also thinks about it. He's as
concerned about what is not as what is on the air. Packed with examples, his
chapters give us the benefit of his years of hard-learned wisdom about what
is wrong with our media today, and what might be done to improve things."
Chris Sterling, George Washington University
Ed Shane is founder of Shane Media Services, which provides management,
programming, and research consultation to radio stations and other electronic media organizations. He is the author of several books, including Selling Electronic Media, a textbook for undergraduate media courses. Two of Shane's earlier books are industry best-sellers: Cutting Through: Strategies and Tactics for Radio and Programming Dynamics: Radio's Management Guide.
Selling Electronic Media
by Ed Shane
Available now.
Published by Focal Press.
Focusing on the merging and converging of electronic media and the
need for branding of media at all levels, this highly readable book
offers complete coverage of advertising sales for radio, television,
and cable, plus the new and emerging mass communication technologies,
primarily those generated by the Internet.
Students pursuing sales and marketing careers in electronic media
and professionals wishing to reinforce their understanding of the
merging and converging media environment will find what they need
in the pages of this book.
Click here to order your copy.
Cutting Through: Strategies and Tactics for Radio
by Ed Shane
Published in 1991.
This book examines changing demographics, changing tastes, and changing
values to help radio ride today's trends. The book begins with setting
strategy then gets specific with application of research and programming
tactics. Case studies illustrate how to:
- Develop a mission statement
- Understand listener awareness
- Identify perceptual filters
- Use visualization in the control room
- Apply research techniques
- Maximize a listener database
In a chapter called "Success by the Numbers," Ed Shane introduces nine
tactics for success and defines them so a station can put them into
practice immediately.
To order your copy email us at: smsofc@shanemedia.com
Stay up to date on industry trends and applications of new ideas with
regular reports from Shane Media:
1. TACTICS Trend Reports twice each month. TACTICS issues cover SALES,
2. Weekly SHOW PREP ideas for on-air use. You can choose an edition
for music stations, a News/Talk edition or both.
3. Shane Media clients get an important heads up with special research reports:
- Radio's Untapped Generation: An Analysis of Generation Jones,
a comprehensive overview of the 35-44 cell as it emerges as a
group separate from Baby Boomers and Generation Xers.
- Country Music Satisfaction Study, showing positive approval
ratings for Country music in spite of declining Arbitron shares.
- Arbitron Checklist, a 60-point checklist of "must-do"
items a station needs to review before any ratings period begins.
- 2020 Visions, a projection of population trends and retail
sales through the year 2020 with expected impact on media audiences.
Valuable resources like these are available on a subscription basis.
To order, email us at: smsofc@shanemedia.com.